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Visual Learners

 So as a teacher you need to be aware of the many different learning styles of each child, there’s auditorial, kinesthetic but today we are talking about visual learning.

There are so many different applications out there can be so helpful for both teachers and students. As a student in university many of my teachers have used a variety of applications to assist in their teaching style.

These next three applications have been some of the most helpful ways to teach a lesson to those visual learners and can accommodate to many different learning stylers. Boni Hamilton in “Integrating Technology in the Classroom” shares many insightful ways to using visuals to stimulate learners as well as provide many different applications teachers can use. VitalSource Bookshelf: Integrating Technology in the Classroom


This application has been known to help in creating flyers, stickers, and maybe even invitations. What many people don’t know is that it can also be helpful in providing teachers ways to make their own infographics. 

It can even be helpful for students if the teacher were to create a poster on the topic of the week so they can visually see the main points. FYI you can have students make a poster on what they understood about the lesson so they have a chance to gather their thoughts and they can add pictures/ stickers for visual purposes. This engages student in the lesson when being allowed to be creative in what they are learning in the classroom. 

Canva has so many cool features to use and sky is the limit when using such a handy tool like Canva. I think I can write a whole paper on just how amazing Canva is but unfortunately, I don't have the time. 

For more information: How to use Canva for Education (more information on how to get started) or look up videos on YouTube to learn how to navigate the front page. 

To login in to Canva, students can use their school email to create a profile and they will be allowed to create what they wish. 

1. Teach-nology

I wish I could take the credit for discovering this application but in “Integrating Technology in the Classroom,” Hamilton mentions Teach-nology as a good application to create timelines especially when going over the lesson of sequence of events. You click on this link : and you have the option to choose between two timelines; a vertical one or a horizontal one. 

Then you can input all the information depending on what the lesson is. Hamilton mentions that timelines can be helpful when going over biographies of a famous person or plot different dates of an important event (Chapter 5). This application is pretty simple to use if you scroll down to the bottom, you can find much useful information on how to use the application to create a timeline.

This application is great for allowing students the option to express what they know using this app. They can write their timeline and share with others what they created using their knowledge. 


Up until my research on visual applications I didn't know this app excited but oh man did I have fun on it. Here's the link: 

This application can be helpful for those who like to draw, and it gives them an insight into what animation is. This can help by having them draw something that connects to a book they have read or maybe something to do with the lesson for the day. It is super easy to manage and super fun for kids. 

"Students can upload their own pictures for the background, adjust the frame rate and make up to 100 frames. ABCya! is a great site for teaching students the fine art of animation. Creating animations represents Bloom's taxonomy at its highest level" quoted by Hamilton in Integrating Technology in the Classroom

This quote is what caught my attention and made me want to explore more in depth into what this site can allow students to do. Which led me to start creating something myself just like a little kid. What this does is that it allows students the chance to create their own picture and it can be used for many different lessons in the classroom. 

Granted not the best but it hopefully it gets my point across. I had fun and I guarantee that the students will too!

Applications like these are amazing in helping teacher create visual images to help students better understand a lesson. This can be equally as beneficial for the teachers because when students are creating such visuals you can just how much they understood and what they still need to work on. 

Even more handy it's easier to store such images or drawings using a USD flash drive that way at the end of the year creating a PowerPoint using all their amazing stuff can be fun for teachers, students and even parents. 

When it comes to visuals there are an unlimited number of applications that students and teachers can both use to enhance their classroom. Engage students with the access of media, photos, videos and visual media. They are able to freely express themselves in digital art that can be beneficial for their learning and can further their knowledge. 
